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@Vigo_Von_Homburg_Deutschendorf: Sorka, tylko Indianie Ameryki Północnej sa coś warci.
@widowmaker: tylko cziperki są coś warte
i może jeszcze miłe pieski
+: widowmaker, tygrysek, nolorito, FoxMurder, CoJaRobje
@widowmaker: ja ciebie bardzieeeej
+: widowmaker, nolorito, CoJaRobje
Vigo was born in 1505 in the small Balkan kingdom of Carpathia in Hungary. He soon rose to power and ruled his home country with an iron fist, and the land itself was in a constant state of spiritual turmoil thanks to his despotic rule, which earned him an infamous name, the "Scourge of Carpathia." Vigo later conquered another land, the country of Moldavia in Romania which its people while still resenting the psychotic autocrat, gave him another notorious alias, the "Sorrow of Moldavia." It was said he was a powerful magician and a genius in many ways, as well as a tyrant, an autocrat, a lunatic and a genocidal madman. Because of his evil ways he wasn't well liked by his subjects and he killed hundreds of them. He was also known as "Vigo the Cruel," "Vigo the Torturer," "Vigo the Despised," and "Vigo the Unholy."
He eventually died at the age of 105 in 1610, but not because of his old age. His people had led a rebellion and they tried and executed him in a manner that they saw fit for his rule. He was poisoned, shot, stabbed, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered. Just before his head died, he uttered this prophetic warning: "Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back!"
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@Vigo_Von_Homburg_Deutschendorf: mój ideał mężczyzny
Michał Białek (ang. Michael Protein, właśc. мичаил биалков) – polski informatyk, główny dostawca rogali w Poznaniu, główna głowa na portalu wykop.pl, organizator akcji „Cenzopapa” mającego na celu oczernienie papieża-Polaka. Współzałożyciel marki cukierków Michałki, udziałowiec w reklamach Żubra oraz wieloletni przyjaciel Jarosława Sokołowskiego. Zajmuje się głównie promowaniem ksenofobii, rasizmu i nietolerancji wśród młodzieży.
+: Irinolld, lubie-z-placki, KawalWuja, WedlowskaMilka, Monochromatycznie, Jonny-Bravo, TRNBB -: Tomasz396 więcej (3)
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ponad 8 lat temu
White power!
+: nolorito -: bardzo
ponad 8 lat temu
Black power!
+: nolorito -: bardzo
w...rponad 8 lat temu
@Vigo_Von_Homburg_Deutschendorf: Sorka, tylko Indianie Ameryki Północnej sa coś warci.
+: bardzo, nolorito, CoJaRobje
ponad 8 lat temu
@widowmaker: tylko cziperki są coś warte
i może jeszcze miłe pieski
+: widowmaker, tygrysek, nolorito, FoxMurder, CoJaRobje
w...rponad 8 lat temu
Ty jesteś warty @bardzo: dużo.
+: bardzo, nolorito, CoJaRobje
ponad 8 lat temu
@widowmaker: ja ciebie bardzieeeej
+: widowmaker, nolorito, CoJaRobje